The Riverscape series of wall panels explores the characteristics of the banks of Oddford Brook, and especially the clearing behind Rebecca’s chapel studio in Tisbury. Rain and runoff water is filtered and purified by the roots of water-loving alder and willow before it joins the brook, and the roots help to stabilise the land. The nitrate-rich soil at this margin produces an abundance of wild plants like nettle, comfrey, dock and dandelion, a habitat for insects and small creatures, and a wildlife corridor for birds and animals.
The sound made by the flowing brook, of stones being polished in the bed, and water stained orange from leaf tannin provide the focus for this series of works. Rebecca often works outside, behind the chapel studio, listening to the brook as she paints.
Riverscape Series, The Sound of Oddford Brook 4
500 x 500 x 60 mm
Glass, glass enamel, timber.