Signal – Fig
Signal is a collaborative work between dance film maker Lizzie Sykes, choreographer and dancer Cathy Seago and sculptor Rebecca Newnham. Cathy Seago performed a danced response to the Parabola sculptures, Lizzie Sykes filmed and projected the images back onto the sculptures creating an immersive performance with static audio uniting the creatives.
Proximity: Standing so close to the sculptures was exciting, as was the proximity to a performer mid performance
Nearness of some audience members to C was clearly enchanting for them.
Dancer/ parts of disappearing from sight (not sound!?)
Immersive Think this is critial and defining, like a body of water, a night or a dream.
‘Pixelated’ movement. Small, light, sharp movements, ‘like a brain firing neurons’ and/or energies shooting out
Cathy ‘listening’ to the sculpture
Participation – audience integrated – when audience moves in front of projections, that changes the performance. (Sally Winter)
‘Living sculpture’
Nicky: birthing space: difference between inside and outside of broken circle.
In the circle is ‘nucleus’
Another conversation I had was about a sense of masculinity coming from the sculptures in terms of the performance – precision, technical, overbearing, black, static, bold etc and the femininity of glass, delicate reflections and refractions, painted detail, balance, curves, (music box).
There was a bunch of talk about subjectivity and objectivity
Signal, reflected rectangles of light, with dancer form in them, communication, morse code. We are exploring
1 section of a radiating sound wave
2 radar, early detection, like a sound mirror which focuses sound waves so they can be heard before the ear detects them.
3 movement of sound, energy and matter through space, molecules fizzing about, a test bed, a petri dish, a laboratory experiment.
4 sculptures are static and are in contrast to the film (light) and dance elements
5 static has different meanings, we embrace :
1 a. Having no motion; being at rest; quiescent. b. Fixed; stationary.
2. Physics Of or relating to bodies at rest or forces that balance each other.
3. Electricity Of, relating to, or producing stationary charges; electrostatic.
1. Interference or noise, such as crackling in a receiver, produced when static or atmospheric electricity disturbs, signal reception.